Eligible persons

Applicants may be funded for internships abroad in a programme country or partner country. The country where students carry out their mobility must be different from the country of the sending institution and the country where students have their primary residence during their studies.


Voraussetzung für ein Stipendium ist die Immatrikulation an einer university of the consortium. The students need to absolve a full study program in Germany leading to a recognized degree. Student mobility is possible in all fields of study and all cycles.
Guest and exchange students are not eligible to receive an ERASMUS grant.

The following must apply before starting the internship:

Bachelor's degree programs:

At least the first two semesters of the regular study cycle must have been successfully completed.

Master's degree programs:

Can be funded as of the first semester.


A confirmation by the university needs to be submitted.

Graduate Students

Graduates can be funded via ERASMUS+ innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 12 Monaten nach Exmatrikulation über ERASMUS+ gefördert werden. Voraussetzung für ein Stipendium ist ein abgeschlossenes Studium an einer university of the consortium. Die Teilnehmenden müssen ein vollständiges Studium in Deutschland absolviert haben und einen anerkannten Abschluss vorweisen.

The online application must be submitted before deregistration (Exmatrikulation).

Eligible internships

The following internships can be funded::

  • Mandatory internships (e.g. internship semester)
  • Voluntary internships
  • Practical part of a thesis

Internship period:

  • From 60 days to a maximum of 360 days
Exception: blended short term mobility

Blended short term mobility

Doctoral candidates and students with fewer opportunities, who are unable to take part in a long-term physical mobility activity for study purposes, can participate in a short physical mobility activity combined with a mandatory virtual component (equivalent to 3 ECTS). For doctoral candidates the virtual component is not mandatory.

The following barriers – individually or in combination – can impede participation in a long-term physical mobility:

  • Disability (physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments)
  • Health problems (health issues including severe illnesses, chronic diseases, or any other physical or mental health-related situation)
  • Barriers linked to education and training systems
  • Cultural differences
  • Social barriers
  • Economic barriers
  • Barriers liked to discrimination
  • Geographical barriers

Please indicate any barriers you might be facing during the internship due to the above-mentioned aspects.

More Information: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/de/programme-guide/part-a/priorities-of-the-erasmus-programme

Recurrent funding:

  • Bachelor: Erasmus internship and/or Erasmus study = 360 days
  • Master: Erasmus internship and/or Erasmus study = 360 days
  • Doctorate: Erasmus internship and/or Erasmus study = 360 days

This refers to calender days. Hence, Sundays and holidays are included. Every month is equal to 30 days.

Being funded in the Erasmus+ internship program is possible during the bachelor's and master’s degree as well as the doctorate degree. A total of 360 days of funding period (including "Zero Grant" = no financial support) are available to each student. This period can be divided into several study and/or internship periods, i.e., several shorter internships can be done in different companies during each study cycle.

In the case of being funded after completing the degree (graduate), the funding period of the previous study cycle is taken into account when calculating the remaining funding period.

180 days of Erasmus studies + 90 days of Erasmus internship = 270 days of funding during the studies, thus 90 days remain for Erasmus funding as a graduate.

Institutions for internships

Examples of host institutions for internships:

  • Public and private small, medium or large companies (including public service companies)
  • Local, regional or national public bodies
  • Social partners or other representatives of the labor market (including chambers of commerce, craft or professional associations and trade unions)
  • Research institutions/universities
  • Foundations
  • Schools/Institutes/Educational centers (from pre-school through upper secondary level, including institutions for vocational training and adult education)
  • Non-profit organisations, associations, non-governmental organisations
  • Career guidance, counseling and information centers

The following organisations are not eligible as host institutions for internships:

Find an internship

To support you in your search for an internship, we have compiled a collection of internship platforms. There you can also find useful advice on finding an apartment.

Upon request, we can send you lists of contact addresses of companies and institutions in which internships have already been done in recent years. To do so, please indicate in the online application that you would like help in finding an internship. We will send you the relevant company lists as soon as possible.

participating universities

  • Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung
  • Hochschule Kaiserslautern
  • Hochschule Koblenz
  • Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung
  • Hochschule der Polizei Rheinland-Pfalz
  • Hochschule Trier
  • Hochschule Worms
  • Technische Hochschule Bingen
  • Theologische Fakultät Trier
  • Universität Trier
  • WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar
  • Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes

Selection criteria

The decision to award a scholarship is based on the following criteria:

  • Does the applicant meet the requirements?
  • Has the online application been submitted in time before the start of the internship?
  • Have the necessary documents been submitted a month prior to the start of the internship? (Application process)
  • Does the intended internship last at least 60 days?
  • Is the intended internship related to the field of study and beneficial to the student obtaining a degree?
  • Does the university recommend and endorse the internship? This is confirmed by the signature of the university (sending institution) on the learning agreement (Downloads). Graduates who would like to receive funding after completing their studies need the signature of their former university on the document!
  • Is the internship done full-time?
  • Will the internship be done in a company where funding can be provided?
  • Does the company have more permanent employees than interns?
  • Will the internship be financially remunerated by the receiving organisation (company)? And if so, does the remuneration exceed the financing?
  • Does sufficient insurance coverage exist at the start of the internship? (Insurance)

A part-time internship in combination with studying at a European university can be funded as part of the Erasmus+ program student mobility for studies. Applications have to be submitted via the the International Offce/ International Center of the home university.

Compulsory insurances

The Erasmus+ scholarship does not provide an insurance coverage. Neither the EU Commission, the National Agency DAAD nor the Agency for International Higher Education Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate are liable for damage resulting from illness, death, accident, personal injury, loss or damage to property in connection with an Erasmus+ stay abroad.

The Agency for International Higher Education Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate is obliged to ensure that the recipients of funding have adequate insurance cover. For this reason, it is necessary that you provide information on health, liability and accident insurance in the application form.

A liability insurance covers damages caused by the student during his/her stay abroad (independently whether he/she is at work or not). The accident insurance is related to the activity and must at least cover damages to the participant resulting from accidents at work.

Participants should be in possession of a European health insurance card. This free card gives you access to medically necessary public health services in EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, under the same conditions and costs as the citizens of the respective country. Further information can be found at ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp.

For internships/internship stays, it is compulsory to have both an accident and a liability insurance for possible damages caused by the student at work.

All participants in the Erasmus+ program (including graduates) have the option of being included in the group insurance of the DAAD, which offers comprehensive insurance cover.
For further information, please contact the DAAD Insurance Office.

Top-ups for participants with fewer opportunities

Participants with child(ren), disabilities (GdB > 20), chronic deseases who face additional costs abroad, first generation students and working students can receive an additional monthly allowance of €250 .


Please inform the a.i.m. rlp about your situation.

Multiple payment of the allowance is not possible, even if several criteria are met. A combination of real cost application (Realkostenantrag) and monthly allowance is only possible if several suitable criteria apply (e.g. allowance for first generation student and real cost application as a participant with child).

Participants with child

Abhängig von dem finanziellen Bedarf kann entweder der pauschale Zuschuss oder – bei Vorlage eines entsprechenden Antrags – die Unterstützung real anfallender Mehrkosten gewährt werden.

If you plan your stay abroad with child, please provide the corresponding declaration of honour and keep the travel documents of the child.

Depending on your additional financial needs, you can submit a personal real cost application (“Langantrag”) for additional funds of up to €15,000 per half-year at least 2 months before the start of the internship. To claim additional requirements, please contact a.i.m. rlp, which prepares the application with you and submits it to the NA DAAD.

Additionally, you have the opportunity to apply for a trip for preparations.

Participants with disabilities or chronic deseases

students and graduates with disabilities (Gdb>20) or chronic deseases can receive the additional funding.

Please provide the corresponding declaration of honour with your application documents and have meaningful evidence ready.

Depending on your additional financial needs, you can submit a personal real cost application (“Langantrag”) for additional funds of up to €15,000 per half-year at least 2 months before the start of the internship. To claim additional requirements, please contact a.i.m. rlp, which prepares the application with you and submits it to the NA DAAD.

Additionally, you have the opportunity to apply for a trip for preparations.

Further information:

First generation students

Participants from non-academic parents can apply for the additional monthly allowance if both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or other higher education institution.

Please provide the corresponding declaration of honour with your application documents and have meaningful evidence ready.

Working students

Working students and graduates who cannot continue their work during their stay abroad receive additional financial support.

The employment must have been carried out continuously for at least six months with a temporal connection to mobility. The monthly income must be over 450 EUR and under 850 EUR. The employment must have been carried out in a relationship that is subject to social insurance contributions. Exceptions are activities that are carried out as self-employment and dual/part-time study programs with a fixed salary.

Please provide the corresponding declaration of honour with your application documents and have meaningful evidence ready.

Green Travel

If you plan to travel sustainably, e.g. by public transport (train/bus/boat), carpooling or bicycle, you will receive a single contribution of 50€ as a top-up amount to the individual support and up to four additional travel days

Please provide the corresponding declaration of honour and keep the travel documents.

Participants who commute to the internship location from Germany, are not eligible to receive the subsidy.

Further information:

Language support

In order to determine students' foreign language competences, participants are asked to take a language test in the working language (specified in the Learning Agreement for Traineeships). Exceptions for native speakers apply. The contractual obligation to take the test before departure has been suspended.

Nevertheless, students continue to receive access to the platform EU Academy to participate in one or several online language courses as well as take advantage of other offers.

Internship reports

On the following page, we have compiled interesting reports from students.