Application process

A complete application includes the online application and the submission of all required application documents.

1. Online application

You can also apply online without any obligation. We would be happy to support you in finding an internship. Start the online application and read the instructions.

For graduates, online application is mandatory before de-registration (Exmatrikulation).

2. Application documents

Bitte reichen Sie Ihre Unterlagen erst ein, wenn Sie einen Praktikumsplatz gefunden haben. Alle Bewerbungsunterlagen müssen spätestens einen Monat vor Beginn des Praktikums als PDF per E-Mail an eingereicht bzw. im Bewerberportal (für Onlinebewerbungen ab dem 23.09.2024) hochgeladen werden.

Please send us 3 copies of the Learning Agreement and one copy of each of the other documents via post.

a.i.m. rlp
c/o Hochschule Trier
Postfach 1826
54208 Trier

Please do not fill in PDF forms by hand or in your browser. Instead, use the Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar.

Documents to be submitted:

In the case of Green Travel additionally:

If you are applying as a participant with fewer opportunities (first-generation student or a working participant):

If you are applying as a participant with fewer opportunities (participant with children, a disability or chronic disease):

You can also find all documents including a checklist under Downloads.

Please note:

  • Please fill in the documents with Adobe Acrobat Reader or a similar program.
  • Please do not submit a high school diploma or other certificates that you have received prior to your studies. Only the documents listed above are required.
  • Has information on insurance coverage (health, liability and accident insurance) been given in the application form? (Proof of required insurance coverage can be submitted until the start of the internship.)
  • Are all of the fields filled out in the Learning Agreement and is the name displayed in the upper right corner of all pages?
  • In case of a mandatory internship, the ECTS credits must be given in the Learning Agreement.
  • Has the Learning Agreement been signed (with date and signature) by all the parties in the correct order? (Receiving Organisation first, then student, and finally Sending Institution)

Deadline for applications

The complete application documents must be submitted at least one month prior to the start of the internship. A processing time of approx. four weeks should be taken into account.

For internships in partner countries, you should also consider enough time for the visa application (if applicable).

Neither the application nor the internship periods are tied to semester periods, i. e. applications for funding can be submitted throughout the year.

Compulsory insurances

The Erasmus+ scholarship does not provide an insurance coverage. Neither the EU Commission, the National Agency DAAD nor the Agency for International Higher Education Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate are liable for damage resulting from illness, death, accident, personal injury, loss or damage to property in connection with an Erasmus+ stay abroad.

The Agency for International Higher Education Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate is obliged to ensure that the recipients of funding have adequate insurance cover. For this reason, it is necessary that you provide information on health, liability and accident insurance in the application form.

Participants should be in possession of a European health insurance card. This free card gives you access to medically necessary public health services in EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, under the same conditions and costs as the citizens of the respective country. Further information can be found at

For internships/internship stays, it is compulsory to have both an accident and a liability insurance for possible damages caused by the student at work.

All participants in the Erasmus+ program (including graduates) have the option of being included in the group insurance of the DAAD, which offers comprehensive insurance cover.
For further information, please contact the DAAD Insurance Office.

Before setting off

The DAAD urges travellers to find out about any travel warnings issued by the Federal Foreign Office before setting off Furthermore, German citizens should register in the Federal Foreign Office's electronic registration system of Germans abroad ("Elefand"). Registration is the individual responsibility of the person travelling