Czech Republic

Ahoy! This greeting is used to welcome friends and relatives in the Czech Republic. The contradiction that a landlocked country in the heart of Europe uses an expression from the sailor's language for informal greetings runs through many areas of Czech life. In this country, melancholy and deep-rooted scepticism are lived just as much as humour and exuberant cheerfulness.
The Czech Republic is characterised both by its unique cities and its vast and varied nature. In addition to the "golden city" of Prague and the West Bohemian spas such as Karlsbad and Marienbad, you will find in South Bohemia, for example, the picturesque little town of Ceský Krumlov (Krumau), which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Modern structures and the high quality of teaching are further incentives for an internship in the Czech Republic.
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- – inzerce zdarma, bazar, inzeráty – Kleinanzeigen